The Fenix Group has been at the forefront of aesthetics and medical-aesthetic equipment for many years. We’ve built our reputation through research and development. Together, we’ve developed Endospheres. The only patented technology, that uses the Compressive Microvibration method for facial rejuvenation and to combat body issues such as stubborn fatty deposits and cellulite. The treatment follows a precise scientific protocol. It requires comprehensive training for all therapists and practitioners. To become an Endospheres therapist, it is necessary to attend a training course. The Fenix Group’s mission is to continue to design and implement high-quality electro-medical devices and to manufacture the most innovative, and research-based technologies. This leads to the very latest and most sought-after treatments available in the beauty industry today. Health and safety underpin everything we do at the Fenix Group.
Fenix Group srl
strada Lungofino, 187
c.c. Ibisco B 9/10
Città Sant'Angelo, Abruzzi 65013